10 more months of misery…

Gleeful pronuciation by one of the talking heads today, “It doesn’t look like the presidential nominees will be decided until the conventions.”

ARGHHHH!!!! NO….no…. whimper….

Reminder to self: Get Lexan screen for TV in case I decide to throw something at it…

Huh, just heard Hillbilly had to loan herself $5M a couple of months ago to continue her campaign. Wonder why it’s just now coming out? Is she getting a free pass on anything and everything? I thought you had to declare that stuff… Campaign finances and all that, ya know…

I really wonder what would happen if there was no bad news? Would the talking heads go silent???

If nobody voted, would there be an election? There would probably be the one asshat that didn’t get the word, and of course he would vote democrap 4200 times…

Anyhoo… The stock market is tanking, down again today, so my retirement nest egg has probably shrunk to about the size of a sperm! sigh…

An interesting commentary though, some analyst think the market jitters are primarily because neither party can make up it’s tiny assed mind on a candidate, so the market doesn’t know which way to jump. If it’s McCain, defense up; if it Hillbilly, health up. Since they are mutually exclusive, nobody does anything…

On a sad note, two more women were raped in the Arlington/Fairfax County area last night and this morning. Last night one woman was walking down a sidewalk, talking on her cell phone when attacked. The other one was in a apparently unlocked apartment.

Ladies, PLEASE, PLEASE pay attention to your surroundings! Earbuds, cellphones, etc. ARE ASKING FOR TROUBLE!!!!

If you are out by yourselves, please pay attention to your surroundings, look at people approaching you, look around often, especially in areas where there are alerts. If you have a carry permit, use it! If you are out walking in jogging clothes, use a fanny pack; they are cheap and while they may not match your outfit, they will carry whatever size pistol you choose.

At home, please lock your doors! Trusting your neighbors is one thing, but the random asshole off the street is something else.

Ladies, as much as I admire your independence and desire for equality, please take adequate measures and use common sense to protect yourselves. The police cannot be everywhere and protect everyone all the time.

2 Responses

  1. Yeah, I think women sometimes take their safety for granted. Those poor women, though. Hope they catch the person doing it.

  2. RT, heard on the news this morning they arrested one perp last night. Fit the profile and was in the process of dragging a woman into the bushes. She, thankfully, was not hurt other than scratches.

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