I’ll take it…

Woke up at oh dark 30 this morning as the wind started, so I figured what the hey… This is gonna be an inside day. I was doing real good; laundry, and all the other crap I really hate to do. About 9;30 a friend calls, “Hey, it’s not THAT bad outside, lets go shoot something.”

Drop everything, grab the gun bag and out the door I go…

Well, it’s about 40 degrees and windy, not too bad… So we spent two hours popping caps at targets and plates.

Did I mention it was windy? It’s pretty bad when you hear the wind whistling AND you have ears on…

Fingers were turning blue, along with exposed body parts, so I decided to drag out the carry piece and rotate my mags for it.

I’ll take this ANY day! G26, 10 yards, 19 of 20 in the COM… Hell, I don’t normally shoot this good when it’s warm and dry… Did I mention it was windy…

I have become fascinated by the expressed and exhibited bias in the media.

Watching CNN this morning, according to them the Republican party is in meltdown because Romney dropped out. They are harping on the fact that McCain cannot possibly be a conservative because he associated with the Dems on bills, and because of the failed amnesty bill. They downplayed Obama, gave lots of airtime to Hillbilly, and poo-poo’ed Obama’s wins yesterday. They pushed Hillbilly as the ‘probable’ nominee.

Flipped over to Fox, completely different storys on both parties. Fox acknowledged Republican issues, talked about conciliation, Mike Wallace interviewed GW Bush, who spoke highly of McCain. On the dem side, gave pretty much equal time to both Obama and Hillbilly; indicating it could be a fight to the finish at the convention and that both Florida and Michigan (who were booted), could in fact be the deciding votes.

On a lighter note- Dan Snyder can’t find a head coach who is willing to work for him, so he promoted Jim Zorn (ex-Seattle quarterback), wh0 was originally hired as the offensive coach, to head coach. Now Zorn has spent the last seven years as a quarterback coach, has no major coaching experience, and has never been a head coach… LOVE IT!!!! Dallas should beat the hell outta the deadskins for sure now… 🙂

More from Australia

I can see it now, the puppy is praying- “Oh thank you, thank you for sending me to little Timmy and not to Michael Vick…. I promise I’ll only pee on the paper, and not chew Mommies shoes…”
Well, the land down under continues to amaze me, either that, or I’ve fallen into the Twilight Zone and can’t get up…

I know they are proud of their multi-culturalism, but sometimes… well…

We went to a restaurant called A Fishy Place which is a Greek seafood restaurant; with me so far? Now here is where it gets interesting…

The hostess was East Indian, the manager was Sumatrian, the cook was Egyptian, the waitress was Chinese and the cashier was Australian AND they were serving Czech beer… There wasn’t a Greek to be found ANYWHERE!!!

But the food was excellent ethnic Greek… Go figure…

The other thing, well one of the other things that is weird, is that you don’t see anyone speeding like you always do in the states! Even the young kids with the hot cars and motorcycles don’t go over 10 klicks over the speed limit, even out in the country.

The current score is turn signals 12, windshield wipers 8 for lane changes… And so far this trip, I have not turned the wrong way yet; but those $%^* roundabouts and traffic circles drive me NUTS!!!! I am soooooo tempted to go right instead of left it’s not funny… sigh…

Of course there IS a bright side… None of the guys riding with me are dozing off…

Random junk again…

Well, I had a pretty good blog going, and our entire subdivision lost power, so y’all are getting leftovers…

First, let me say my thoughts and prayers go out to those in California who have lost homes, property and memories in the fires this week. Also, prayers go out for the firefighters, pilots and others who are on the line fighting the fires…
It is not a pretty job, nor fun, but is VERY important to our safety.

Now THIS is what you call space utilization…

This is a train track coming into Bangkok, Thailand which doubles as a mall when there are no trains…

And just for fun, note the row number I got assigned on the JAL 747-400…

Yes, there really is a row 85! This particular 747 was used as a shuttle between the mainland and Okinawa and Guam, it is set up for 530 seats…

Oh yeah, and I was NOT in the last row, that was row 87!

Well, I finally got back on US time, just in time to leave tomorrow for Australia for work, just a nice little 30 hour jaunt from here to Perth… I’m getting WAY too old for this…

Sometimes you just have to wonder…

Well, we have a winner. The auction is over. The final bid remained at $2,100,100. The winning bidder, the high bidder: Betty Casey.

Rush Limbaugh auctioned off the smear letter sent to him by dingy harry and 40 other democrap Senators today- Who would have thought it????

The Marine Corps-Law Enforcement Foundation is going to get in excess of $4.2 million because Limbaugh is matching Betty Casey’s bid on eBay of $2.1 million.

Something tells me that letter is going to show up again…

In other bits and pieces, can you believe this Portland, ME school district that is going to give contraceptives to both male and female 11 year olds? AND show them how to use them!!!

What ever happened to parental rights? Sure, there is now a lot of spin about how, oh the parent can opt out, etc…

Lemme see, voluntary prayer is outlawed, but 11 year old sex is okay?

I thought underage sex was still illegal- or am I just stoopid???

I know I’m an old fart, but something here just doesn’t make sense… If somebody had tried to give my daughters contraceptives at age 11, I’d have been after them with a shotgun!

Why is it the ACLU and their minions are after anything that even remotely resembles Christianity in any environment today? Public schools, Court Houses, places of Government… Is the next thing going to be removing the crosses from the Veterans’ Cemeteries?

But yet push a liberal agenda/message and that’s all right? This case in Portland, the case about the video showing homosexual parents that was being shown to third graders as a REQUIRED video, algore’s Inconvenient Lie… Bashing the troops…

Would somebody please tell me what happened to the USA I grew up in?


kicking my soapbox back into the corner now…

Idjits and Assholes…

Ever have ‘one’ of those days??? Now I’ll admit I’m a little short of sleep today…
I had one today, of course the two hours of sleep ‘might’ have had something to do with it…

First the day starts with idjit neighbor in her little Prius, which can’t get up the hill to the Interstate at anything approaching 50 mph… So I pull out to pass, and she promptly cuts me off!!! Now there are a line of cars going by on the right at normal speeds and I’m hung out to dry… Lovely, just $%^& lovely…

I finally manage to duck between two cars and hit the on ramp, and promptly come to a screeching halt… Another lovely day on 395 North.


So I finally get to work and everyone is talking about Rep Stark’s comments on the floor of the House. I can only say this…

That sumbitch should be horsewhipped at noon on the Capital steps, tarred and feathered and run out of town on a rail. Or maybe he should go down to Quantico and make the same remarks and see if he gets out alive. But then again, he IS from the Peoples Republic of Kalifornia

To make things even better, my email goes down at work, so I call the help desk- The kid says, “Well, send an email trouble ticket in with your problems.” Say what???

Uh, the email is down, that’s what I’m calling to complain about!

“Well mine is working fine, so it must be your machine.”

Okay, fine… hang up on him and go check around. Half our floor is without, but at this point, what the hell, I have other stuff to do…

So after nodding off a couple of times, I decide to sneak out early, since I wasn’t supposed to be in today anyway…

So coming home, I timed it exactly wrong and wound up being the first person in the leftmost left turn lane–and a little Prius pulled up next to me with a blonde bimbo behind the wheel (think REALLY bad dye job, black eyebrows and you know what me RED lipstick). Now, most of the people in the right lane there know that left turn lane ends in a right turn lane, which means they’ve got to merge left in that uphill 150 yards, so I don’t mind letting people take turns. The light went green and the chick (of course) in the Prius decided she wanted to make a dash for it and get out in front of me.

Didn’t work, needless to say. (For y’all who don’t know, I’ve got an 07 GTO 400+ horses and I’m NOT afraid to use them.) But as I watched her merge in behind me, flipping me off and screaming through the windshield; I was trying to remember what percentage of Prius owners it was who said they were willing to accept reduced performance for the “prestige” of owning a Prius, or so they could be environmental snobs. Fairly high percentage of ’em, though. So I try whenever I can to demonstrate what “reduced performance” is all about….

And I have the bumper sticker that says- Hybrid Owners- Thanks for saving gas so I don’t have to…

Anyhoo, I get home and realize since I’ve been on the road three weeks, I have no food, so back out and fight traffic to the local stupermarket… Guess who?

Blond bimbo in the Prius sees me pull in and drives around and starts berating me as I walk to the store for cutting her off, being a chauvinist pig, etc. I just ignored her and kept walking, and purposly walked out in front of a BIG F-350 Ford. Bimbo was so intent on yapping at me, she never even noticed the truck until he hit is air horn!

I gotta admit, I even jumped… But bimbo is probably having to clean her car seat about now. And I never said a word to her 🙂

I’m really and Old Fart…

Since we have another $%^& typhoon screwing up our ops, and I was tired of herding cats; three of us went out to dinner last night at Sam’s Anchor Inn in Naha. In the course of dinner, I was reminded we had all been here, in this restaurant, maybe even at this table in 1975.

That was 32 years ago!!!! Damn…

After dinner, we decided to ‘tour’ our old haunts from the 70’s (e.g. we wanted more beer); so we got a cab to China Pete’s (which used to be a one story shack selling junk souvenirs and is now a four story mini-mall).

We hoofed it down to BC street and started looking for any of the dives we used to haunt. There was not a single sleazy sailor bar left!!!! There were fern bars, upscale hostess bars, and nice well lit places; so we finally stopped into the worst bar we saw. The beer was 500 yen ($5) and they even gave us a glass! That was something you NEVER got back in the day…

Sigh… Guess I’m really an old fart…

This is a tribute, I didn’t write it, but I sure as hell can identify with it…

Remembering Airdale Bars

Airdales always stuck together. They worked and played as a crew and they gravitated to places where they could be with fellow aircrewmen, in locations where people who could tolerate the obnoxious conduct, impure verbiage and rollicking nonsense that was the standard by which the aircrew were measured. Their hallmark, so to speak.

The airdale bar was unlike other naval watering holes and dens of iniquity inhabited by seagoing elements. It had to meet strict standards to be in compliance with the acceptable requirement for an airborne sailor beer-swilling dump.

Loudmouth Barmaid.

The first and foremost requirement was a crusty old gal serving suds. She had to be able to wrestle King Kong to parade rest. Be able to balance a tray with one hand, knock bluejackets out of the way with the other hand and skillfully navigate through a roomful of milling around drunks.

On slow nights, she had to be the kind of gal who would give you a back scratch with a fly swatter handle or put her foot on the table so you could admire her new ankle bracelet some AE brought her back from a Hong Kong liberty.

A good barmaid had to be able to whisper sweet nothings in your ear like, “Sailor, your thirteen button flap is twelve buttons short of a green board.” And, “Buy a pack of Clorets and chew up the whole thing before you get within heaving range of any gal you ever want to see again.” And, “Hey animals, I know we have a crowd tonight, but if any of you guys find the head facilities fully occupied and start urinating down the floor drain, you’re gonna find yourself scrubbing the deck with your white hats!”

They had to be able to admire great tattoos, look at pictures of ugly bucktooth kids and smile. Be able to help haul drunks to cabs and comfort 19 year-olds who had lost someone close to them.

They could look at your ship’s identification shoulder tab and tell you the names of the Skippers back to the time you were a Cub Scout.

If you came in after a late night maintenance problem and fell asleep with a half eaten Slim-Jim in your hand, they tucked your peacoat around you, put out the cigarette you left burning in the ashtray and replaced the warm draft you left sitting on the table with a cold one when you woke up.


Simply because they were one of the few people on the face of the earth that knew what you did, and appreciated what you were doing. And if you treated them like a decent human being and didn’t drive ’em nuts by playing songs they hated on the juke box, they would lean over the back of the booth and park their soft warm boobs on your neck when they sat two Rolling Rocks in front of you.

Imported table wipe down guy and glass washer, trash dumper, deck swabber and paper towel replacement officer.

The guy had to have baggy tweed pants and a gold tooth and a grin like a 1950 Buick. And a name like “Ramon”, Juan”, “Pedro” or “Tico”. He had to smoke unfiltered Luckies, Camels or Raleighs. He wiped the tables down with a sour washrag that smelled like a skunk diaper and said, “How are choo navee mans tonight?

He was the indispensable man. The guy with credentials that allowed him to borrow Slim-Jims, Beer Nuts and pickled hard boiled eggs from other beer joints when they ran out where he worked.

The establishment itself.

The place had to have walls covered with ships and squadron plaques. Many of the ships and the airplanes shown in the accompanying photographs had made the trip up the river to the scrap yard or to the Davis-Monthan bone yard ten years before you enlisted.

The walls were adorned with enlarged airwing patches and the dates of previous deployments A dozen or more old, yellowed photographs of fellows named “Buster”, “Chicago”, “P-Boat Barney”, “Flaming Hooker Harry”, “Malone”, “Honshu Harry”, Jackson, and Capt. Slade Cutter decorated any unused space. It had to have the obligatory Michelob, Pabst Blue Ribbon and “Beer Nuts sold here” neon signs.

An eight-ball mystery beer tap handle and signs reading: “Your mother does not work here so clean away your dam trash.” “Hands off the barmaid.” “Don’t throw butts in urinal.” “Barmaid’s word final in settling bets.” “Take your fights out in the alley.” “Owner reserves the right to waltz your worthless ass out to the sidewalk.” “Shipmates are responsible for riding herd on their squadron drunks.”

Typical signage found in classy establishments catering to sophisticated clientele. You had to have a juke box built along the lines of a Sherman tank loaded with Hank Williams, Mother Maybelle Carter, Johnny Horton, Johnny Cash and twenty other crooning goobers nobody ever heard of. The damn thing has to have “La Bamba”, Herb Alpert’s “Lonely Bull” and Johnny Cash’s “Don’t take your guns to town” in memory of Alameda’s barmaid goddess, Thelma.

If Thelma is within a twelve-mile radius of where any of those three recordings can be found on a juke box, it is wise to have a stack of life insurance applications within reach of the coin slot.

The furniture in a real good airdale bar had to be made from coal mine shoring lumber and was not fully acceptable until it had 600 cigarette burns and your carrier’s ship numbers carved into it. The bar had to have a brass foot rail and at least six Slim-Jim containers, an oversized glass cookie jar full of Beer-Nuts, a jar of pickled hard boiled eggs that could produce rectal gas emissions that could shut down a sorority party, and big glass containers full of something called pickled pigs feet and Polish sausage.

Only drunk Chiefs and starving Ethiopians ate pickled pigs feet and unless the last three feet of your colon had been manufactured by Midas, you didn’t want to get any where near the Polish napalm dogs.

No aircrew bar was complete without a couple of hundred faded airplane pictures and a “Shut the hell up!” sign taped on the mirror behind the bar along with several rather tasteless nekkit lady pictures.

The pool table felt had to have at least three strategic rips as a result of drunken competitors and balls that looked as if a gorilla baby had teethed on the sonuvabitches.

Aircrew bars were home, but they were also establishments where 19 year-old kids received an education available nowhere else on earth. You learned how to “tell” and “listen” to sea stories.

You learned about sex at $25.00 or 20 pesos a lesson from professional ladies who taught you things your high school biology teacher didn’t know were anatomically possible. You learned how to make a two cushion shot and how to toss down a beer and shot known as a “depth charge.”

We were young, a helluva long way from home. We were pulling down slave wages for twenty-four hours a day, seven days a-week availability and loving the life we lived. We didn’t know it at the time, but our association with the men we served with forged us into the men we became.

And a lot of that association took place in Naval Aviation oriented bars where we shared the stories accumulated in our, up to then, short lives. We learned about women and that life could be tough on a gal.

While many of our classmates were attending college, we were getting an education slicing through the green rolling seas in WestPac, experiencing the orgasmic rush of a night cat shot, the heart pounding drama of the return to the ship with the gut wrenching arrestment to a pitching deck.

The hours of tedium, boring holes in the sky late at night, experiencing the periodic discomfort of turbulence, marveling at the creation of St. Elmo’s Fire, and sometimes having our reverie interrupted with stark terror.

But when we came ashore on liberty, we would rub shoulders with some of the finest men we would ever know, in bars our mothers would never have approved of. Saloons that live in our memories forever.

Oh by the way… Windproof umbrellas AREN’T in 30 plus knot winds…

Random stuff…

Her gun is definitely bigger than mine…
This is the face of the new Soldier, Sailor, Airman (in this case), and Marine; who is having to clean up our messes… Damn Gephart and Kennedy and that ilk for not allowing us to finish this in 1991 when we had the chance…
And now, the same situation is coming to bear, democraps want to end the war, so they are cutting funding. Aren’t the 3k combat deaths enough???? Oh yeah, none of THEIR children are there… It’s just OPK (Other People’s Kids), so they don’t care… And they have a convenient scapegoat, “Well, it’s the military’s fault because they didn’t conduct the war right.”
The MSM is flaunting Bush’s low approval rating of 29%, but aren’t saying shit about the Congresscritters whopping 11% approval rating- Gee, I wonder why… Aw well, enough bitching and whining…
Here’s some “humor”-
You Might be Working for a Defense Contractor if:

1. You write your personal letters in Powerpoint format.

2. You use bullet format to make your grocery list.

3. You sat at the same desk for 10 years and worked for 5 different companies (true story for a friend of mine).

4. Your company welcome sign is attached with velcro strips. Saw that when NG took over TRW Government Systems…

5. You are on a first name basis at your local unemployment office.

6. Your updated resume is on the thumb drive around your neck. Yep…

7. “Everything I needed to know I learned in Kindergarten” really applies. Yep…

8. Your company name on your badge is applied with scotch tape.

9. You have no concept of time or date but to check you look at your timecard.

10. The sun is something you read about.

11. You have to call home to check the weather because you can’t find a window. And your computer system is locked down from the Internet…

12. When the main topic of conversation is where the next job is or who is being laid off.

13. Rumors, Rumors, Rumors.

14. All your friends who went to business school have their own window office and secretary, and still make twice as much as you do.

15. If you say “If I tell you, I’d have to kill you” when asked about what you do at work. And you mean it…

16. When you get excited about a 3% raise.

17. You can neither “confirm nor deny” what you are working on. Still, again…

18. You refer to your marriage as a “teaming” arrangement. I should be so lucky…

19. You learn about your layoff on WABC radio.

20. The travel agency sends you a get well card the week you don’t travel. Yep…

21. You have more ID’s than most people have credit cards. Only four, sorry five…

22. You attend more meetings in two weeks than most people attend in
two years. 40 hour week, 22 hours of meetings…

Random Stuff…

Diamondback Rattler Found at Edwards Air Force base- Don’t ya know that sucker would feed a family of four, or give you 32 hat bands…
What is going on in this Country????
By Associated Press 1 hour ago

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. – An elementary school has banned tag on its playground after some children complained they were harassed or chased against their will.”It causes a lot of conflict on the playground,” said Cindy Fesgen, assistant principal of the Discovery Canyon Campus school.Running games are still allowed as long as students don’t chase each other, she said.Fesgen said two parents complained to her about the ban but most parents and children didn’t object.In 2005, two elementary schools in the nearby Falcon School District did away with tag and similar games in favor of alternatives with less physical contact. School officials said the move encouraged more students to play games and helped reduce playground squabbles.

Where the hell are we going???? How far are they going to take this PC crap????
A little humor- How to give a cat and a dog a pill an oldie but a goody….
1. Pick cat up and cradle in the crook of your left arm as though holding a baby. Position right forefinger and thumb on either side of cat’s mouth. Gently apply pressure while holding pill in right hand. As cat opens mouth insert pill. Allow cat to close mouth and swallow.
2. Retrieve pill from floor and cat from behind sofa. Cradle cat as described above. Repeat process.
3. Retrieve cat from bedroom. Throw sodden pill away.
4. Take new pill from foil wrap, cradle cat (see above) Hold rear paws tightly with left hand. Force jaws open. Insert pill and force to back of throat. Hold mouth shut for ten seconds.
5. Retrieve pill from goldfish bowl and cat from top of wardrobe. Call spouse from garden.
6. Kneel on floor with cat wedged firmly between knees, holding cat’s front and rear paws. Ignore low growls. Ask spouse to hold cat’s head firmly with one hand while forcing wooden ruler into mouth. Drop pill down ruler while vigorously stroking cat’s throat.
7. Retrieve cat from curtain rail. Unwrap foil from another pill. Make note to buy new ruler and curtains. Carefully sweep shattered figurine from hearth and set aside for possible repair later.
8. Wrap cat in large towel. Have spouse lie on cat with its head just visible from below spouse’s armpit. Put pill in end of drinking straw. Force cat’s mouth open with pencil and blow down drinking straw.
9. Check label to make sure pill is not harmful to humans. Drink glass of water to remove taste. Apply band-aid to spouse’s forearm. Remove blood from carpet with cold water and soap.
10. Retrieve cat from neighbor’s shed. Get another pill. Place cat in cupboard and close door on neck leaving only the head showing. Force mouth open with dessert spoon. Flick pill down throat with elastic band.
11. Fetch screwdriver from garage and put cabinet door back on hinges. Apply cold compress to cheek. Check records for last tetanus shot. Throw T-shirt away and fetch new one from bedroom.
12. Phone fire department to retrieve cat from tree across the street. Apologize to neighbor who crashed into fence while swerving to avoid cat. Take last pill from foil wrap.
13. Tie cat’s front paws to rear paws with heavy garden twine. Bind tightly to leg of dining table. Find heavy duty pruning gloves in garage. Force cat’s mouth open with small spanner. Push pill into mouth, followed immediately with large piece of prime steak. Hold head vertically and pour one pint of water down throat to wash down pill. 14. Get spouse to drive you to emergency room. Sit quietly as doctor stitches fingers and forearm and removes pill remnants from right eye. Stop by furniture store on way home to order new table.
15. Arrange for vet to make house call.
To give a dog a pill, place pill in palm of hand, allow dog to lick palm… DONE!

On the Road again…

Just a quick blog- It’s really interesting signing into the blog from here… Most of the character sets come up in Japanese language (Kanji), with a few things coming up in English… You either have to visualize the boxes with english or take a stab in the dark, so to speak.

Anyhoo….. This is one of those months from hell for work travel, been to San Diego, Sydney Australia, Dallas, home for one night, and am now back (for the 4th time this year) in Japan. I spent Thursday through Sunday up in Misawa (way up at the North end of Honshu), working with our Sailors who fly the P-3 Orion aircraft. These folks have flown many, many thousands of hours over Iraq and Afghanistan in the last few years, protecting any number of our US assets in place over there. To a person, they were very upbeat, glad to be “on mission” and doing productive work out here in Fifth and Seventh Fleets. They joke about flying a bird that is older than most of them (the P-3 first came into service in 1962, and many of the current bird date from the 1970’s), it does have problems and takes a lot of maintenance hours for each flight hour, but it gets the job done. I couldn’t help but laugh a couple of times, when they asked when I had flown the birds and I told them 1973-1992. The typical response was it was all MY fault they are broke… Sorrrrryyyyy….

After the Bullet train back to Tokyo (reminder- Don’t lean against the window- meeting another bullet train also going close to 200 mph DOES rattle the window and your head), and two hours on the ‘local’ train (there are a LOT of stops between Tokyo and Yokosuka).

I’ve been down here for a few days of meetings with various staff folks, including a couple who have just come back from Individual Augmentee (IA) ops over in the Sandbox. Again many positives, and very few negatives about what they are doing. Today I was on one of the boats I’ll be working with later in the year. Talking to the JO’s and Sailors was a real pleasure, and I wish folks had to chance to hear what they really have to say, not just what ends up in the media!!!!

Weather is a good news/bad news thing out here this time of year- We had a four hour lightening storm Monday night here (Sunday morning in the States). Just walked over and looked at the weather guesser’s screen, and lo and behold, Typhoon Usagi has us boresighted for Thursday… oh joy… oh joy…

Ah… Babs, I’ll trade ya- A little lightening, wind and rain for a whole lot of wind and rain!
OH well, breaks over, I gotta get back to work… Remember, if you see or know a veteran, thank them for their service.

Random Thoughts

It’s raining, so here I sit, rather that doing something productive…

Anyhoo…. Random looks at the news, the net and TV are interesting-

Fred Thompson is gaining on Guiliani in the straw polls, about the only coverage is online- nothing in the newspapers I saw today, nothing on mainstream media, nothing on cable- The only place I’ve seen it is on the net! I think Fred Thompson needs to get all the skeletons out, like his illness, prior to announcing. That way, the media is cut off at the knees, but I’m sure the manufactured stuff will still come out. Hopefully he won’t lose his temper too badly when the crap hits…

Looks like there will be a shooting war in Gaza in the next day or so- Again not much on mainstream media, some mention on talk radio, a little on the net. If this happens, I predict we will see bombings increase in Iraq, because they will drop off the front page, and the groups over there can’t stand that.

Oh joy… just heard the congresscritters are going to “fix” energy… Guess this will be about as good as them fixing the illegal immigrant problem.

Lemme see, oil companies make an average of $.08/gal profit; they aren’t going to authorize anymore drilling off any US coast; they aren’t going to allow anymore Nuclear power; they aren’t going to allow the old companies to build anymore refineries… Yep, they’re gonna fix it good….

Dale Earnhart, Jr. is about to make a decision about the new team he will sign with next year- No wonder the fans are called rednecks… talk about invective… It is sad that a family dynasty is being broken up, but in reality Junior is a big boy and can and will make his own decisions. Theresa Earnhart is obviously taking care of her daughter with Dale, and does not want to let Junior take over.

Regardless of where he goes, I think he will continue to get fan support (and sponsorship), which will touch off even more jawing back and forth on some of these NASCAR sites. I guess I had never really realized how caught up in NASCAR some people are. I enjoy the racing (used to go to Daytona regularly in the 70’s and 80’s), the strategy and the byplay; but I don’t live or die by what somebody does or doesn’t do…

Under the learn something new category- I found out there is actually an association of meeting planners! They really do have meetings to plan meetings… AND get paid for it!!!!

Oh well, it quit raining, time to do something productive. Y’all have a good evening.