I’ll take it…

Woke up at oh dark 30 this morning as the wind started, so I figured what the hey… This is gonna be an inside day. I was doing real good; laundry, and all the other crap I really hate to do. About 9;30 a friend calls, “Hey, it’s not THAT bad outside, lets go shoot something.”

Drop everything, grab the gun bag and out the door I go…

Well, it’s about 40 degrees and windy, not too bad… So we spent two hours popping caps at targets and plates.

Did I mention it was windy? It’s pretty bad when you hear the wind whistling AND you have ears on…

Fingers were turning blue, along with exposed body parts, so I decided to drag out the carry piece and rotate my mags for it.

I’ll take this ANY day! G26, 10 yards, 19 of 20 in the COM… Hell, I don’t normally shoot this good when it’s warm and dry… Did I mention it was windy…

I have become fascinated by the expressed and exhibited bias in the media.

Watching CNN this morning, according to them the Republican party is in meltdown because Romney dropped out. They are harping on the fact that McCain cannot possibly be a conservative because he associated with the Dems on bills, and because of the failed amnesty bill. They downplayed Obama, gave lots of airtime to Hillbilly, and poo-poo’ed Obama’s wins yesterday. They pushed Hillbilly as the ‘probable’ nominee.

Flipped over to Fox, completely different storys on both parties. Fox acknowledged Republican issues, talked about conciliation, Mike Wallace interviewed GW Bush, who spoke highly of McCain. On the dem side, gave pretty much equal time to both Obama and Hillbilly; indicating it could be a fight to the finish at the convention and that both Florida and Michigan (who were booted), could in fact be the deciding votes.

On a lighter note- Dan Snyder can’t find a head coach who is willing to work for him, so he promoted Jim Zorn (ex-Seattle quarterback), wh0 was originally hired as the offensive coach, to head coach. Now Zorn has spent the last seven years as a quarterback coach, has no major coaching experience, and has never been a head coach… LOVE IT!!!! Dallas should beat the hell outta the deadskins for sure now… 🙂

I feel better now…

A couple of us decided to get out an do something to relieve the stress and frustration, so we loaded up and away we went.

It was time to go shoot something…

Of course it is a ‘little’ chilly up here, 38 degrees when we started but not bad.
I took the big boy toy out to check and see if I had put everything back together right and it would actually hit the backstop.

The picture is the M-24 with US Optics SN-6 sitting on the shooting bench. I was shooting .308 FGMM 168 gr.

As you can see, it wasn’t a real bright day, medium overcast with about 5 knots of wind. We traded off spotting for each other so at least someone was getting warm (and we burned about 1/4 tank of gas), but at least the fingers worked most of the time…

One of the guys was trying to figure out why he had missed two deer last weekend, so we started with him. His first round was 11 inches LEFT of the bull!!! No wonder he missed the deer! Somehow his scope had been knocked seriously out of alignment between his sight-in and first shot, so it was back to square one…

Break out the tools, some disassembly required, and ye olde boresight alignment at least got him a little closer. We finally got him pretty much on the bull, when suddenly intermittent rounds started going 2-3 inches low… WTH????

Rechecked everything, all tight, no slop anywhere. Okay, back on the bench- Two rounds in the bull, then one 2 inches low… One of the guys was picking up brass and noticed there were two different headstamps! Turns out he had grabbed his son’s ammo pouch, which had both 150 gr. and 170 gr. rounds! Mystery solved…

The temp was dropping so I only shot about 20 rounds, but I’m happy with the results.

Target on the left is 100 yards, cold bore dead center, total group .78″ for five shots. Target on the right is 300 yards, cold bore dead center, total group with the flyer 2.95″ without the flyer 2.0″. I’ll take that, especially with the cold and numb fingers!

The gunsmith did an OUTSTANDING job of smoothing the trigger out and setting the break at just over 3lb. This rifle is truly a sub-MOA gun, even with me shooting it!

At this point, it was about 34 degrees so we decided to shoot one round each of plates at 15 yards with the carry pieces and loser had to buy the coffee.

I didn’t have to buy!

I don’t know about the rest of the guys, but I feel MUCH better now (or will when I warm up). Now I’ve got to go clean everything…