More from Australia

I can see it now, the puppy is praying- “Oh thank you, thank you for sending me to little Timmy and not to Michael Vick…. I promise I’ll only pee on the paper, and not chew Mommies shoes…”
Well, the land down under continues to amaze me, either that, or I’ve fallen into the Twilight Zone and can’t get up…

I know they are proud of their multi-culturalism, but sometimes… well…

We went to a restaurant called A Fishy Place which is a Greek seafood restaurant; with me so far? Now here is where it gets interesting…

The hostess was East Indian, the manager was Sumatrian, the cook was Egyptian, the waitress was Chinese and the cashier was Australian AND they were serving Czech beer… There wasn’t a Greek to be found ANYWHERE!!!

But the food was excellent ethnic Greek… Go figure…

The other thing, well one of the other things that is weird, is that you don’t see anyone speeding like you always do in the states! Even the young kids with the hot cars and motorcycles don’t go over 10 klicks over the speed limit, even out in the country.

The current score is turn signals 12, windshield wipers 8 for lane changes… And so far this trip, I have not turned the wrong way yet; but those $%^* roundabouts and traffic circles drive me NUTS!!!! I am soooooo tempted to go right instead of left it’s not funny… sigh…

Of course there IS a bright side… None of the guys riding with me are dozing off…