Step away from the Television

Well the feeding frenzy is over for another year…

You- step away from the television- All the replays in the world won’t help you…

Yes, the hated Giants beat the even more hated Patriots. Now we have to listen to Miami (again) with their undefeated season claims… sigh…

I haven’t even read the sports page, cause I ‘know’ it’s full of the apologists for the Patriots and why they didn’t win; along with the other columnists who pronounce with great aplomb how the “called this six months ago…. BS…

It appears the sports bookies are the only ones who made out- something like 150+ THINGS you could bet on surrounding the game, one of which was an over/under on how long the girl singing the National Anthem would take (1:41 was the break point).

Speaking of which, I’m kinda glad the Patriots lost, when the anthem was playing, half of them were scratching their asses, and the other half were looking around the stands. At least the Giants had enough courage to salute properly.

What ever the Patriots coaches name is, he showed absoutely no class by leaving the field early. I guess that is typical of his behaviour though.

Now if the Cowboys could just get their act together.,. 🙂 Ah well, there is always a next year.

Nascar is back in two weeks, so at least there will be SOMETHING on TV worth watching… Baseball, basketball, soccer, fighting…er hockey… who cares…

Step away from the television, go out and actually DO something- Take a walk, go play sports yourself, go to the shooting range, but GET OUT OF THE #%^& HOUSE for awhile…

You may now resume your regularly scheduled political crap for the next 10 months… sigh…

Everett over at Island Voice has an excellent post up about congresscritters and what they are costing us now, and may cost us in the future.

I am in complete agreement with Ev, but howthehell do we get term limits passed???

At the grassroots level, everyone favors it; but try to go any further and you hit the proverbial brick (read congresscritter) wall. I will be the first to admit I don’t know enough about the law and congress to be confident of this, but I ‘think’ this would take an Amendment to actually get it done for all 50 states.

The US Term Limits organization seems to be about the only one out there that is working the issue, and that is primarily at the state level. If you check out their web site, there are a number of states where the critters are trying to overturn/reword the term limits already passed.

I guess once they see the amount of money they can get out of DC, the average critter just can’t let go…

Look at Kennedy, what 40 years plus now for a slob like that- What the hell are the people in Mass thinking, or are they????

I thought it was rather interesting this past week to watch the flailing about over CNN’s screw up and trying to pawn partisan democrats off as uncommitted voters for the You Tube Republican Debate (debacle was more like it).

It was even more interesting to watch the MSM both print and TV and see the lack of coverage… Anybody still think there is no agenda out there to support liberals and democrats????

What ever happened to just reporting the news, not posturing the news or slanting the news to fit one’s agenda???? Huh????

Where is another Edward R. Murrow when we really need one?

There is still a small plaque in the lobby of CBS headquarters in New York City which contains the image of Edward R. Murrow and the inscription: “He set standards of excellence that remain unsurpassed.” During his 25-year career he made more than 5000 broadcasts; and more than anyone else, he invented the traditions of television news. Murrow and his team essentially created the prototype of the TV documentary with See It Now, and later extended the technological reach of electronic newsgathering in Small World (1958-59), which employed simultaneous hookups around the globe to facilitate unrehearsed discussion among several international opinion leaders. Most of Murrow’s See It Now associates were reassembled to produce CBS Reports in 1961, although Murrow was only an infrequent participant in this new series. Over the years, he had simply provoked too many trying situations for CBS and the network’s hierarchy made a conscious decision to reduce his profile. The apparent irony between Edward R. Murrow’s life and the way that he is subsequently remembered today is that the industry that finally had no place for him, now holds Murrow up as their model citizen — the “patron saint of American broadcasting.”

Instead we get Katie Couric… sigh…

Pardon me while I go bang my head against the wall…

Firearms Refresher

1. An armed man is a citizen. An unarmed man is a subject.
2. A gun in the hand is better than a cop on the phone.
3 Colt: The original point and click interface.
4 Gun control is not about guns; it’s about control.
5. If guns cause crime, then pencils cause misspelled words.
6. Free men do not ask permission to bear arms.
7. If you don’t know your rights, you don’t have any.
8. Those who trade liberty for security have neither.
9. The United States Constitution (c)1791. All Rights Reserved .
10. What part of “shall not be infringed ” do you not understand?
11. The Second Amendment is in place in case the politicians ignore the others.
12. 64,999,987 firearms owners killed no one yesterday.
13. Guns only have two enemies; rust and politicians.
14. Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
15. You don’t shoot to kill; you shoot to stay alive.
16. 911: Government sponsored Dial-a-Prayer.
17. Assault is a behavior, not a device.
18. Criminals love gun control; it makes their jobs safer.
19. If guns cause crime, then matches cause arson.
20. Only a government that is afraid of its citizens tries to control them.
21. You have only the rights you are willing to fight for.
22. Enforce the gun control laws we ALREADY have; don’t make more.
23. When you remove the people’s right to bear arms, you create slaves.
24 . The American Revolution would never have happened with gun control.

In the latest political smear campaign, Billary’s camp is now claiming Robert Novak really invented the “bad” things they were holding back about Barak Hussein Obama, that her camp has, “nothing to do with any rumor mill.” Strange…

This sounds just like Bill’s campaign tactics against Bush and others over the years…

On another note, gotta love the Ninth Circus out in CA, once again they have decided to save the whales and kill the sailors through lack of training. I REALLY wonder whose side they are on…

9/11- Time to move on???

Reading the newspapers this morning and listening to the news has just flat pissed me off…

I lost two good friends in the Pentagon, Retired
Captain Jack Punches and Captain Larry Getzfred. I served with and crossed paths with both these gentlemen from the 1970’s until 2001. I went to Arlington, and stood there remembering these guys like it was yesterday- How good they were with the sailors, how they worked throughout their careers to succeed in the Navy culminating in command tours. Jack had VR-24 in Sig and was well respected and remembered by his sailors, Larry had VP-40 and was very successful during the end of the cold war.

Yet today’s media pushes the idea it is time to ‘move on’ that 9/11 should become a part of our ‘history’ rather than continue to be kept at the forefront of people’s minds…

The media has also come out saying the reports due today on the conduct of the war are biased, some have said the reports are outright lies and some websites have marked General Petraeus as a traitor!

WTF Over? Are the democrats really that desperate? Has the Hate Bush campaign really got that much power?

What about the fact that we have been attacked by terrorists since 1985? Oh well, that was just attacks against the military, so I guess that doesn’t count…

What about the Embassies that were attacked over the years? Same thing…

September 11, 2001 was what woke America up, because the attacks finally came to our shores, and were successful…

We are STILL at war against the terrorists, they are committed to killing us-

The perception of the West as the enemy of Islam is widely expressed in Islamist circles. According to the Islamists, the U.S. and its allies declared war on Islam, which makes Jihad against them a personal duty for every Muslim. The people of the West, as enemies of Islam, necessarily deserve to be annihilated.

If we ‘move on’, what will we do when the suicide bombers are in our Malls and shopping centers, at our sporting events, and bombing our schools? Negotiate???
We listened to General Petraeus’ report along with US Ambassador Crocker today. As usual there were the screamers etc, in the back, who were thrown out. Too bad their punishment does not include being shipped to Iraq to get an up close and personal view…

We thought the briefs were well presented, and pretty realistic. Two of the folks were just back from IA’s in the Gulf, so they were able to verify directly much of what was said.

Congresscritter Lantos questioned the General, using a “media” reference and questioned whether ADM Fallon actually supports the phased mission completion and withdrawal. Huh??? General Petraeus works for ADM Fallon, why would they NOT agree???

Lantos went after Crocker about a diplomatic “surge”, taking a swipe at the administration while using the Congressional diplomatic actions to get observers into North Korea and taking credit for pacification of Libya!

Congresscritter Wexler must have been the designated Democrat hit man, as he called Gen Petraeus a liar, saying the brief differed from the NIE, therefore it MUST be wrong… Lemme see- NIE= a whole bunch of inputs from every agency (half of whom have NO ONE on the ground) vs. one General, who was actually on the ground…


I’m embarrassed by the Congresscritters- The majority could not ask a coherent question if their lives depended on it. Also, when they didn’t get the refutation they wanted, they started going further and further afield…

Oh yeah, Wexler the Heckler got on an absolute rant for a couple of minutes, never did ask a real question, just denigrated the General’s statement and even quoted a Gallup poll!!! Unbelievable…

A friend told me his opinion of Congress was they were acting like the dogs they are-

If they can’t eat it or screw it, they piss on it and walk away…

Come to think of it, THAT is an insult to all the self-respecting dogs out there.

Please, take a minute tomorrow and remember those who died at the WTC, the Pentagon, on ALL the flights and those who have given their lives defending us from further attacks.